Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hail And Farewell

The title pretty much says it all. When a new person comes on board or someone leaves the ship the wardroom holds a 'Hail and Farewell'. We had one of these on Monday at The Winehouse in Ghent.

Normally it would be held at someone's house, but this time we held it at The Winehouse in Ghent instead.

This time we were saying farewell to our current CO and his wife. And we also hailed our new CO.

There's normally a few speeches, some longer than others, and of course gifts. Gag and heartfelt gifts. The wardroom wives also pool together and give the outgoing wife a gift of some sort to remember the ship by.

A nice time was had by all. There was food and wine. And lots of conversation.

So farewell Fort family. I hope all goes well in at your next duty station.

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