On the 24th of July Norfolk held a Jazz Festival at
Town Point Park. And this year
Keep Norfolk Beautiful asked for volunteers to pass out pins to people who were doing good deeds. Things like recycling, picking up trash and things of that sort. Sadly, I must report that I only gave something like 5 pins out from 5 to 9. In 4 hours I only saw 2 adults do something like picking up trash. The 3 others were small children. What does that say about our society? Or am I just expecting too much?
On a brighter note, this is a statue in the park. I really like this statue. It's of a sailor returning and embracing his spouse and child. What could be more poignant?

I could only get one face out of the crowd of people that attended this event. And it's really hard to get good pictures of people acting naturally. They tend to stiffen up when they see a camera. So I had to pretend I was taking a photo of something else. I think he was catching on to me though.

And of course I had to get an action shot. I probably could have watched this couple dance most of the evening, but I had to be on the look out for people doing the 'right thing'. I believe they were with a television station. Don't ask me which one, because I have no clue.

I had to get this shot.
Emerson's had a stand at the Jazz Festival. No I'm not kidding! They were selling cigars at this thing. I guess cigars and jazz are supposed to go hand in hand.

And of course they had alcohol there. All proceeds went to a charity. I don't remember what the charity was, since it has been a while since the event.

I couldn't end the blog without a photo or two of the sunset. It was lovely!

The only fly in the ointment was the heat. It was 107 degrees at 7 at night. At least there was a breeze coming off the river. Or it truly would have been unbearable.
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