Saturday, April 21, 2012

Memory Lane

So while I'm here for my dad's surgery/recovery I've also been able to do a few other things.  My parents encouraged me to see friends and do things.  I think they needed space.  I may have as well.

So on Wednesday, after spending two 15 minutes visits with my dad (he was still in recovery) I headed out to Wood River to see my buddy from high school, Sheila.  We were able to meet up at Mama Mia's in Wood River.  I was able to meet her two lovely children, Allison and James, and we had a very nice time catching up.  I had a blonde moment and forgot to get a picture of the two of us together.  Ugh!  The very reason I brought my camera.

Thursday I got to meet up with my buddy, Mindy.  Yes, once again I forgot to get a picture of us together.  *sigh*  So after getting to visit with my dad for a while in his hospital room (Yay!  He's out of recovery), Mindy picked me up to take me for lunch at Cheddar's.  Mindy works in Springfield and was gracious enough to give me her lunch hour.

A yummy Jack in the Box lunch.
So Friday I spent with my brother Tim.  We went to some wineries, which you can read about on Rosatodi.  But before we headed out we had Jack in the Box for lunch!  YUMMY! We don't have Jack in the Box back at my house, so this was quite the treat.  I got to have egg rolls and chicken strips.  I know if the hubby was along he'd have gotten the tacos.  It may not be the best food in the world, but it's a good memory for me.  And when you can't get it where you are, it makes it seem all the better.
While I was headed back to my old stomping grounds, I had to stop and take a photo of this sign.  It's been there for as long as I can remember.  And I know the minute I come across it I'm getting closer to my destination.  At least when my parents still lived in the area.  What can I say?  Nostalgia hits me every time.

And I could be in my home town and not stop for a Humm Dinger at Hit and Run. Something I used to get all the time in high school but had almost forgotten about. It's a size, 32 ounces to be exact, of the drink. You can get whatever you want in it.

Needless to say, I didn't need much else to drink for the day.  

Good memories all around!

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