Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's Back...

What you may ask? American Idol. I know you can stop your groaning. So I watched it. I swear it's like watching a car wreck. I couldn't help myself. There weren't as many train wrecks shown this year as last. Don't get me wrong there were some doozies tonight. Like the guy who wore a belly dancer outfit and then went and got a body wax at their suggestion. Yikes!

And I think Simon actually got a heart. He was nicer than he has been in the past. Oh he still told people when they were awful, but he wasn't nearly as harsh as he has been in the past. Although he did make a comment about people being happy for their friends or family and how he didn't understand that. Huh?

And of course there was the stalker song that one guy sang to Paula. Creepy!

I'm sure tomorrow night will be even better. The hubby brought up an interesting point. Why do people let their loved ones go through this when they obviously can't sing? Delusions of grandeur is my only answer.

Although I don't think anyone wants to win Idol any more. Those who do seem to fade into mediocrity anymore. The runner ups seem to do better. Just look at Daughtry. He's doing so well and he only made it to the top four in 2006. And Blake Lewis rocks! He was the runner up for last year's Idol for anyone who's been living under a rock. And my favorite in case you couldn't tell.

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