Friday, October 24, 2008

Feeling Special

When Little Bit and Odie were still with us one of them used to always follow us to bed. Little Bit would sleep at the foot of the bed and Odie would demand cuddles. It's something we really missed. Pumpkin and Kyla are totally different kitties and they do not follow us to bed. It's not something we expected them to do, but we really miss it. They are younger and more independent. Plus they have only been with us for a little less than a month. It takes time to build that sort of trust.

This morning, however, was a different story. My husband gets up at 4:30 to get ready for work. And yes that is in the A.M. You can quit cringing now Greta. Sometimes I go back to bed once he's left. Hey! I've been under the weather. And it's still dark outside! Well today I went back to the bedroom and was just talking with the dog. Yes I know I'm nuts. When I heard the cats bell jingling. So I quieted down to see which one it was. Pumpkin soon jumped up on the bed and came up to settle down next to me. Color me shocked. He settled down and took a little nap with me.

The heavens opened and the angels started to sing. My heart was warmed. And the contentment that I felt actually made me doze off. Oops! When I woke he was gone, but I still felt so happy.

See the hubby and I were just talking about this exact thing last night. In fact when I got up the second time this morning, don't I feel indulgent, I got tons of cuddles from Pumpkin.

I feel special.

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