Friday, November 14, 2008

My Pets And Their Advice

So yesterday was a rainy, yucky day. The perfect kind of day for snuggling in a blanket and reading or watching movies. I had a headache and was feeling very cranky. Nobody wanted to be around me. Not even me. And I tried not to spread my discontent among anyone else.

What should we do about this Kyla?

I don't know mom. What about a nap?

Hm. I don't know. Let's get a second opinion.

Let's ask Kaiser what he thinks. Kaiser? Kaiser?


I'm cranky.


Kyla thinks I should take a nap.

Fine, I'll get off the bed. But I only do this cause I love you. Why do people always wake me from my nap to get one of their own?

Hm. I guess this means I should nap. I've already displaced my poor old puppy. I take some Alleve and get my favorite fleece blanket. Soon I'm settled in to take a nap.

Wait! Someone else wants to rule in though.

Oh. You taking nap with fleece blankie mom?


Good idea mom. I'll join you. You'll need my protection. Insert a kitty grin here.

With that said I snuggled down with my boys and took a nap. The headache left and I woke up a little less cranky.

Hey when your pets are all in agreement it's time to listen up.

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