Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Things You'll Do For Your Child

So when we went to Blue Bird Gap Farm Greta and Steve took Colten to the swings. Of course while Daddy pushed the baby (Oops! Sorry Colten, I meant little man), Mommy showed him how things are done.

As a good friend of mine once said, it is better to ask forgiveness than permission. So Greta, please forgive me for posting these.

Hey once you become a parent, you'll do just about anything to keep them happy. Sadly your childless friends might find it more fun than your kid.

Honest Greta I would have joined you if there was another swing. Then my hubby could have taken the picture and I swear I would have posted it. You know I don't embarrass easily.

And on a very side note. Hi Ryan! Now you know what you sister has been up to.

1 comment:

CaptainReynolds said...

Ok, no more lurking for me. What kind of brother would I be otherwise?

Always knew Greta was a big kid at heart.