Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

So this year for Christmas we decided to get a real tree. The hubby will be around so I had no problem with this one instead of our artificial pre-lit one. Normally we get a Balsam, but there wasn't one on the lot that we go to that called us. So we got this one instead.

We actually let this one stand for 2 days, a record for us, to let it's branches drop. And I'm really glad we did, because it seems so much fuller than when we bought it. And we were happy with it on the lot. They even put it on the tree stand we bought. Bonus!

So Sunday I pulled out all the Christmas paraphernalia that we have. And I've come to realize that we have WAY too much stuff. And we decorated the tree. Had to get some Christmas cookies, I've yet to make mine, and drink hot chocolate while we did it. And yes we have the old large lights on them. We love it.

Now I just have to keep my fingers crossed that the cats won't climb it and will leave the tinsel alone. I so don't want to find cat poo with tinsel in it.

And of course I found this cute little present under our tree not long after we'd finished. I guess Kyla feels her presence is a gift to all.

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