Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Why My Animals Hate Me

Over the weekend I rocked my pets world. Well actually only the cats, the dog is kind of used to it. I decided that our animals needed baths. It was the first time we'd ever given the cats a bath. I thought Kyla, our stripey/spotty cat, would give me the most trouble so I bathed her first. Boy was I wrong. I did get a few scratches, but she was the best behaved and quietest of the two cats. No the award for most vocal and squirmy goes to Pumpkin.
I think this was their first baths EVER. And they treated me like I had just tried to kill them. And I most definitely need the hubby's help to get the job finished.

They looked like drowned rats and I just couldn't pass up the photo opportunity.

And yes I have since been forgiven. But only after they dried and got their new collars.

Kaiser's used to it and is a long suffering, good puppy dog. No whines or scratches. Although he does splay his legs when you pick him up to take him in the bathroom. He's just trying to dodge the inevitable.

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