Friday, July 9, 2010


So on the weekends, the hubby and I try to do one of three things. Go out to breakfast, a midnight drive or watch the sun rise on the beach.

This past weekend we opted for the sun rise on the beach. The beach was a little more populated. It is tourist season now, but I didn't think they would be out so early. We strolled the water front, only meeting a few people that close to the water and happened across these bird prints.

It was neat to see the paths the birds took. Some meandered, others a straight path to the water, while another set went in circles. So I just had to snap a photo of these.

And of course, I HAD to get a shot of the sun rise. Can you believe that I got this shot with my phone camera? This always makes me feel so peaceful and puts a nice spin on the day.

Of course we went home and went back to bed. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh la la! Sounds romantic!