Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene (Aftermath)

So after having no power for 3 1/2 day, Dominion Power came through and got it back up and running.  I didn't realize how much I missed noise (the TV or the A/C running).  Nor did I realize how much my animals missed it.  LOL

Boy Scout Pumpkin
I had to laugh when this arrived the day AFTER Irene left the area.  Pumpkin feels he is now totally prepared for the hurricane.  And when the next one comes, he's all for bugging out.  I on the other hand am not so sure.  But it's good to always be prepared.

He'll be glad that we're moving back into the bedroom.  The air mattress is fine, but life is so much better when you sleep on a mattress that won't eventually deflate.  Not that we're spoiled or anything.  lol

Darby's Elation!
Darby greeted me in the window when I came back from running some errands.  The power was back on and she was OH SO happy! She definitely did NOT like the air mattress.

Life is going to start getting back to normal now that we have power.  And now clean up can begin in earnest.  It's hard to undertake any major projects when you know that you have no A/C to go to.  I really don't like being hot, sweaty and tired.  And really who does?

Thanks again to my friends Steve and Greta for coming over to help me chop up the larger branches in mine and my neighbors yard.  I really appreciate it.  And a special thanks to Dominion Power for being so quick to return power.  I know there's over 1 million customers that are without power, so kudos for the quick response.

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