Saturday, September 3, 2011

Afghans In Heaven

I meant to post this sooner, but as per usual I got side tracked. So my apologies for the tardiness on this.

I no fear your camera!
The first of this month TJ, my mom's cat, passed away.

We got TJ when I was in high school. He didn't leave with me when I left home as he was truly my mom's. He lived for 22 years. And as I type that sentence I just realized how old I am and now you will all know. Oh well, so now everyone knows I'm ancient. I think I'm okay with that.

The running joke was always that TJ was older than dirt.

I still remember him as a young cat. He'd wander the neighborhood we lived in with no fear. He used to leave 'presents' for my mom on the front door steps. It could be a mouse or a bird or any other small critter that was unfortunate enough to cross his path.

TJ napping
I still laugh at the thought of him sitting in the recliner like he was Al Bundy, if you don't understand that reference Google Al Bundy sitting on the couch and then you'll see. He'd actually have a paw over his privates. You know this thought just made you snort a little.

As he got older TJ got cranky. He got the nickname of grouchy old man and many other names that weren't very nice. His only joy in life was the afghans that we had, but I'm not going to tell you what he did to those things. I'm keeping it classy.

He had a tendency to get pissy and would attack your leg for no reason. Well I'm sure in his mind he had a reason, but we were not privy to that information. Your best bet was to show no fear. That's why my legs were relatively unscathed.

He is what started me calling certain cats 'guard cats'.

Farewell TJ!

You will be missed.

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