Everyone has a plan for emergencies. Right? Especially if you live in an area where hurricanes can happen. And anyone who's weathered a hurricane is now nodding their head in agreement with me. If you've never experienced this joy, let me share with you what happens in my household.
As any Navy spouse knows, if you're spouse is on a ship then said spouse will NOT be home when the hurricane hits. The Navy will be sending him or her out with the ship to avoid the incoming weather. So you're on your own. Take a deep breath because you can handle it.
First and foremost you should keep an eye on the news. That's what's going to give you your heads up. Sadly, I'm REALLY bad at this. But I always manage to have enough time to take care of what needs to be done.
Secondly figure out if you're gonna stay or if you're going to flee the area. I stay, because I'm not that worried. I've weathered numerous tropical storms and 3 or 4 hurricanes. It's old hat to me. I'm no wimp.
Next? Be sure to stock up on your supplies early, because the stores can get crazy as the hurricane gets closer. People panic. Here's a small sampling of things you should have on hand.
* Stock up on bottled water. Enough for everyone in the house for a week at least. This includes your pets. Fill up containers as well.
*Get enough food to last 7-10 days. Go for the prepackaged stuff that does not need refrigeration or heating. You never know if you're going to have power or how long it will be out. I get granola bars, trail mix, tuna and crackers. And don't laugh, but we have MREs too.
* Pet food. Be sure to have enough food for your furry babies in this 'emergency'.
* Batteries and flashlights. I personally like the single touch puck lights. Candles and matches are a good idea as well. I personally do touch puck lights because I have cats that are WAY too curious.
* Refill any prescriptions that are needed. You have no idea when the pharmacy might reopen and if you, someone in your family or your pets need a prescription you don't want to be caught empty handed.
* You can never go wrong with a little more TP on hand. Ever notice how you seem to use more when in a crisis of some sort?
* Find things to keep you and your family entertained (books, games, coloring books etc.). Nothing's worse than a cranky pants whining about how BORED they are.
* Be sure to have a first aid kit. Especially if you're accident prone like me. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best is my motto.
* If you have a generator (and they really do pay for themselves after 2 power outages), be sure to get gas for it! Nothing's worse than having the means to power your home, but not the way.
There are a few things you should do around your home before the hurricane hits too. You need to make sure it's ready.
* Put away your lawn furniture. You don't want that patio table and chairs to do damage to the house. Tie loose things down or put them in a shed or garage.
* If you have branches you're worried about, then get them down.
* I mow my grass before hand so that I won't have to worry about it after the hurricane. No one wants to mow their grass after a hurricane and go back into an un-airconditioned house. Ick!
* Fill up your vehicles. Gas stations can run out of gas (believe me it's already happening) and you don't want to have an empty tank if you need to leave.
*Do all your laundry before the hurricane arrives. Why stress about dirty socks when you don't have to?
*If you have a dishwasher and it has dirty dishes in it, then run them through a cycle. You don't want that stinky smell do you?
* Act as if you are going to loose power. Charge everything that can be charged. Your phone, your ipad, your kindle, flashlights, whatever needs a charge. I highly recommend buying something that can charge your portable items. I found a Black and Decker Power To Go. I've charged it and am ready.
If things get hairy and you do have to flee, be sure to have a bug out bag ready. Be sure to take important paperwork with you. And anything you just can't bear to be without.
And the most important thing??
Stay safe!
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