Friday, April 20, 2012


Honestly I meant to post this sooner, but let's face it...  Life sometimes gets in the way.  And honestly I forgot to blog about this until now.  I know!  Bad me!

Near the end of March the hubby and I were able to go to Chrysler Hall and see Wicked!

The Tik Tok Dragon
These photos were taken with my iPhone, so bear with me as they are not the best.

I was over the moon that we were going to see this. I'd read the book and couldn't wait to see how the musical compared. Needless to say, it was much fluffier than the book. I had been told this prior to going. The book has a lot more darkness to it and there isn't the happy ending that they do in the musical. But hey, it was still good!

A Map of Oz
Our seats were awesome! We were slightly to the right of the stage and something like 7-8 rows back. A fantastic view!  We could easily see the performers and hear everything.

This was when I wished I had a better phone so that my pictures would have been better.  Oh well!  I managed to get one of the tik tok dragon above the stage and one of the map of Oz on the stage curtain.

I was startled how many people were there.  It was near the end of its run in Norfolk and it was a Wednesday night.  The hubby mentioned that he was pleasantly surprised to see a lot of dads with their daughters at this.

My one concern was that my hubby would not enjoy this because it does have a lot of singing in it.  He's not one for musicals.  I don't blame him though.  It's harder to understand sometimes.

However, he truly did enjoy it.  For which I was truly grateful.

We were both glad to be able to attend this.  Many of the hubby's co-workers told him that he should definitely go and that the tickets were worth it.  And that was coming from men!  LOL

If you have the opportunity to go see this I HIGHLY recommend it!

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