Monday, September 3, 2012

Domestic Diva - Fruit Wash

With summer drawing to a close I'm noticing that I seem to get more and more fruit.  Guess I'm trying to hang on to summer as best I can.  I've always hated that waxy film that tends to be on the fruit.  Plus the worry of pesticides and whatever other chemicals are used on fruit now a days.  Thank goodness for Pinterest!

So I'm going to share what I did with photos.  I found this to be easy and I'm not worrying about that waxy build up and everything else on my fruit anymore.  I did blueberries, cherries, apples and nectarines in this batch.
Unwashed fruit round up.
Fill sink halfway with lukewarm water and add 1 cup white vinegar.
Now I know most people worry about the cleanliness of their sinks.  I mean we throw dirty dishes in there.  And I don't even want to think about what else.  So I cleaned my sink beforehand.  I fill my sink up with HOT water and add bleach, about a cup or until you can definitely smell the bleach.  I know I'm wacky!  I let it sit until the water cools and then drain it.  While it drains I wipe it down and then use my sprayer to rinse it off with cool water.  I learned this trick from the FlyLady.  Shine your sinks!

Stir the water/vinegar mixture.
Add the fruit.  I poured the berries in and gently added larger fruit.
Let soak for 10-15 minutes.
Drying on paper towels.

After you remove the fruit from it's soak, I let it sit on a paper towel to dry for a little while.  The larger fruit I could dry individually, but the blueberries (which I picked at my neighbor's house) and cherries I had to blot dry.  You'll notice that waxy sheen is gone.  Hooray!

Squeaky clean and delicious!

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