Thursday, September 30, 2010

Find Your Smile Where You Can

This past week has been rainy and very dreary. So I've been feeling kind of down.

Never a good thing.

So I decided to find my smile where I can. The first photo is a fun picture of Pumpkin. The way he was laying there and looking at me just gave me a huge grin. He's so sweet.

The next one is of my toes. Normally my feet do NOT make me smile, but I really liked how this pedicure turned out. I always have them do a little artwork on my big toes. And really how can you not be happy after a pedicure? Now each time I look at my toes I smile a bit.

The next one is a picture of one of my new favorite coffees at my coffee house. It's chocolate, caramel and spiced brown sugar. It's recently been named the Carm-olate Latte. Very yummy!!

Then there's the Bacon Risotto that I made by myself tonight. My brother taught me how to make it and I'm just pleased that I remembered how to make it. Very tasty!

And it's been a while since I've actually cooked for myself, so that made me even happier. I'd gotten out of the habit of doing this. Which isn't good for me. I need to take better care of myself.

The last picture would be a glass of wine. I'd forgotten how nice it can be to just sip on a glass or two of wine while watching TV. And of course this is one of my favorites.


Unknown said...

those are all very good things to do when you're not having a good day! i should have done these when i got that nasty comment on my blog. it almost ruined part of my day.

thanks for the kind words, btw. i don't know why the internet makes people feel like they can be mean on a whim, but i am thankful for bloggers like you who. :]

Unknown said...

