Never a good thing.
So I decided to find my smile where I can. The first photo is a fun picture of Pumpkin. The way he was laying there and looking at me just gave me a huge grin. He's so sweet.
The next one is of my toes. Normally my feet do NOT make me smile, but I really liked how this pedicure turned out. I always have them do a little artwork on my big toes. And really how can you not be happy after a pedicure? Now each time I look at my toes I smile a bit.

And it's been a while since I've actually cooked for myself, so that made me even happier. I'd gotten out of the habit of doing this. Which isn't good for me. I need to take better care of myself.

those are all very good things to do when you're not having a good day! i should have done these when i got that nasty comment on my blog. it almost ruined part of my day.
thanks for the kind words, btw. i don't know why the internet makes people feel like they can be mean on a whim, but i am thankful for bloggers like you who. :]
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