So this month Virginia Beach had the
Show of Pride at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. I don't think it was advertised nearly enough. And I truly hope that they hold it again next year. It was open to the public and completely free.
The Coast Guard, Army, Marines and Navy were all present. And had brought a number of things for the public to inspect. Which was awesome since you got to actually got to climb on the vehicles and explore them.

There was a shooting video game, which was constantly busy. More often than not it was filled with big boys. There was also a bomb sniffing dog there. He's retired, but it was interesting to hear what he did.

The Navy and Coast Guard both brought ships. While the Marines and Army both brought transport vehicles. There were also a lot of vendors there and military support groups there. All of them had materials letting people know what they did and how they could support people.

There were lots of demonstrations. I was able to catch the Marines showing some of their martial arts. So I thought I would include that. I managed to get a number of photos through my phone. And luckily my buddy Vickie brought her camera and sent me a lot of pictures.

And yes that is me learning to tie knots with a few of the guys from the Navy. There are a few times that I'm caught off guard and you'll catch me with the camera.
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