Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tagged - I've NEVER Done This Before!

Lala over at What? Mermaids? tagged me for a meme... I've never done this, so I thought I'd give it a try.

I tagged a few people, but if I didn't tag you, feel free to play along, and if I did, feel free to not play if you're not interested...!

The rules are:

Link to the person who tagged you.
Paste these rules on your blog post.
Respond to the following prompts (in bold).
Add a prompt of your own and answer it.
Tag a few other bloggers at the bottom of the post.
Leave "Tagged You" notices on their blog/Facebook.
Let the person who tagged you know when you've written the post.

1) The best investment you ever made:

Probably my camera. Since I do get a lot of enjoyment from taking photos.

Wait! Can I answer my hubby? He's the best thing in my life! And you do invest a lot of time, energy and love into your spouse. So yeah the hubby is THE best investment.

2) If you could’ve written any book, directed any movie, and composed any song, which three would you pick:

I would have written the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Love the books! But I think I would have ended it just a touch differently. It seemed a bit rushed.

I would have directed Die Hard. I know it seems like an odd choice, but it was Bruce Willis's first movie as the action hero. I think it launched his career.

This one is a toss up. It's between Lady Antebellum's 'I Run To You' or Christina Perri's 'Jar of Hearts'. I really enjoy them both. I'd post the videos, but something's not working at the moment. Trust me they are good! I think I lean more to the first one though.

3) Weirdest quirk:

I'm sure I have one, but I can't think of it. And really people in general tend to think I'm weird.

4) One wish immediately granted:

The perfect body. Hey it asked for a wish. Didn't say it had to be plausible.

5) Most expensive hobby:

Probably my photography. Although I don't spend a lot on my camera. I love it just the way it is without all the bells and whistles. But I think maybe I spend more on the scrap booking aspect of it.

6) An inexhaustible gift-card at which store:

I'm one of those weird people. I really don't like to shop. So I guess I'd want the card to go to cause I do like internet shopping. Can't beat sitting in the comfort of your own home and getting the things you need. Plus you don't have to deal with idiots!

7) In another lifetime, you’d be:

A writer

8) If you could go back to your time in high school and change anything, would you:

The only thing I would change would be my studying habits. Other than that? NOPE!

I Tag: Denise, Sarah P. and Kim

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally forgot to add my own prompt! LOL.

Definitely Amazon is one of the best inventions of the technology age. What can't you buy from there? :]