Sunday, June 5, 2011

Farewell Friend

It has taken me a few days to be able to actually blog about this.

On June 1st, my husband and I had to put down our 14 year old dog. Kaiser had been diagnosed with cancer and there was nothing that could be done. It had progressed too far.

Kaiser was a smiler, as you can see from this photo. We 'rescued' him, but in reality I think he rescued us. He was so loving and protective of his pack. How can you look at that beautiful face and not smile yourself? I dare you to try. You couldn't do it could you? I know I can't.

Kaiser has been with us since just slightly before the hubby was commissioned in the Navy. So yeah, he was a Navy brat. He'd moved 7 different times. Weathered one hurricane and two tropical storms. Gone through two deployments. And even visited two battlefields with us. But most importantly was protector and friend for fourteen years.

And he was such a ladies man. I don't think he ever met a female he didn't like. Men? Well that's a different story. But he'd perk up as soon as a lady walked in the door.

Time takes it's toll on everyone. It slows us all down. I'd like to think that Kaiser had a great life. I'm not trying to look at this through rose colored glasses, I know we weren't perfect.

Farewell my wonderful friend.

You will be missed!


Missy said...

What a wonderful tribute!! We lost my family dog, Hershey, after 13.5 years in Oct. It was very hard. My thoughts are with you!!!

Jiza Zito said...

I am so sorry to hear about your dog! Sending hugs your way!