Tuesday, April 5, 2016


The thing that hovers in every military spouses mind is when do we get our next set of orders.  Will we be staying or are we going to move in a month or so?  Can I even go with him?  Some orders do not include dependents.

Of course, your military friends will inevitably ask in one conversation or another if you're leaving and when will you be going.

I've been in the Norfolk area for eight consecutive years now.  You read that right!  Eight years.  I love this area and have been very fortunate to live here this long.  We even bought our first home here.  As a side note, we've been here off and on since 1993. 

You're getting my gist now, right?  The picture clued you in right?  

I've been here long enough that many of my friends in my spouse groups don't even ask if we're leaving.  It's just naturally assumed that I'll always be here.  Because I have been.  I'm that constant that so many people seem to need in their lives.  An anchor of sorts.  And no I'm not referring to my size.

Now, I tell them that we're leaving the area when these conversations start.  It's not because I want the attention.  Because I really don't.  I tell them because...  Well because, we've all gotten used to me being there.  Maybe even a little too used to me being here.  I'm the go to when something is needed.  It's a way to prepare myself and others for the fact that I won't be able to help out at the Welcome Social or bring cookies to the Ornament Exchange. 

It's been a long time since our last move.  I'm out of my element again.  I used to have this down pat, but now I'm going to have to retrain myself.  Okay, mini freak-out over.

Add in the fact that we own our home and you've got whole other kettle of fish.  Do we rent?  Do we sell?  

We've decided to rent.  So now it's time to work on the house to get it ready.  Ripping up old carpeting, getting new appliances...  It can be therapeutic, but also kind of sad.  Why didn't we do this years ago for ourselves?

So here's to the next adventure in this crazy life!

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