Friday, June 10, 2016

Coming To Terms

We all know that death is inevitable, but that doesn't make it any easier.  We know it's going to happen, but it's always in the distant future and not something that we are going to think of right now.

No one wants to think about the unpleasantness of that.  The thought of losing a spouse, a sibling, a parent, a friend, or even an acquaintance is just too much.  So why waste the time and energy on it?

I've been to three funerals, of people not related to me, in my adult life and it sucked.  Tomorrow, I'm going to my first military spouse funeral.  Something I honestly had never thought about.  Never expected to do.  And never wanted to do.

I know I could 'justify' not going by stating we weren't close, but I won't.  I mean, who wants to go to something like that?  It's, if I'm to be brutally honest, depressing.  But that is not going to stop me.  I'm going to honor this person and let her family know that someone cares that she's gone besides them.  Even if I haven't seen her or spoken to her in years.  That's not the point.

Funerals aren't for the dead.  They are for the living.

So today, please take a moment to cherish the people in your lives.

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